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Why is iPhone battery last longer than android despite it's small mah capacity?
in Android Devices by enigmatic

3 Answers

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Battery of iphone last longer because of the capacity of the battery and the quality. iphone has a high quality battery and the phone has an ability to use power well as compared to Android.
by briannyandoro
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Android has been working to increase their battery life, adding a "doze" feature which is supposed to use less juice, for example.

But it's certainly true - my Android (a Galaxy III) lasts for about 20 hours before it needs to be recharged, whereas my iPhone lasts about 3 days (using both the same. If I take a lot of photos with my iPhone, it drains the battery much quicker.
by thethunderchild
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Iphone is very expensive phone, so it has high capacity of battery life as compared to android batteries.
by shuklashrestha

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