Tips & Tricks
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What is your experience and suggestions regarding this?
in Smartphones by scott

4 Answers

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Apps that are running in the background and keep checking for messages or email for example. So facebook and twitter mail any app that you have given permission to run in the background will use data and battery. Hope this helps !!
by ben-johnson
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Yes the apps opened in the backgroung are continiously using owr batter. As if I am currently not using Whatsapp of viber. But even then I am getting messages from friends then it simply means that those apps are currently working on the backgroung, as todays systems are using Multi tasking processors. So every task is utilizing your cell phone battery equally
by zahranoor
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Yes apps run in the background even if they are not used will discharge your devices' battery, you will have to clear the apps running in the background.
by zyrus14
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Double click home button to close all apps
by cyber-teacher

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