
200 Ugandan shillings coin

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81, Kebirigo Nyamira, Kenya
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The National Coat of Arms (consists of a shield divided into two portions; the first section contains a wavy pattern depicting the waves of Lake Victoria and Lake Albert, while the second section has a sun and the traditional Ugandan drum) is depicted on the front of the 200 Ugandan Shilling coin.  

Behind the shield are two crossed spears. A Ugandan kob and an East African crowned crane, or Balearica regulorum gibbericeps, serve as its supports (Kobus kob thomasi). On top of a grassy mound, the shield is split by an undulating silhouette of the River Nile.  

The image of the river is framed by two important cash crops: cotton and coffee. "For God and my country" is the national slogan, and the denomination is at the bottom.
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Coin 81, Kebirigo Nyamira, Kenya    What3words Address: ///macaroni.diagram.poppet

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