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Deal Share
September 18, 2022
308 0
Sale Price: $355 Save $11 (6% Off) List Price: $366 In United States at desertcart.us Category: Streaming Device/Service
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- Dolby Atmos Sound
- In-built apps
- HDR10
- Android Operating System
- Dual bands i.e. 2.4GHz and 5GHz
MECOOL KM2 Android 10.0 TV Box has all the exciting features of the Android Operating System. It allows streaming in 4K resolution. The TV Box also works as a Wi-Fi router and has dual bands i.e. 2.4GHz and 5GHz. It is an all-in-one streaming player. It comes with a voice assistant that listens to all your commands on the go and makes work easier. Just attach the media player to the HDMI port of your TV. It gives you can access to applications such as Netflix, Prime, Google, etc. Its connection type is USB. Also, it is easy to install at your home. The streaming player's speed is 60fps. It has an HDR10 that brings detail to your videos.
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