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July 26, 2022
298 1
Sale Price: $27 Save $2 (6% Off) List Price: $29 In United States at desertcart.us Category: Streaming Device/Service
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- Easy to connect
- Widely compatible
- Screen mirroring
- USB and HDMI connecting options
Chrome-Cast Adapter Compatible With All Types Of Media is easy to connect media streaming device. It is compatible with Smart TV, Smartphone, PC, and Laptop. You have to plug the stick into the HDMI port of the TV. The device works with iOS and Android Operating systems. It has in-built Wi-Fi connectivity technology. You can watch tons of shows, and movies on the applications such as Netflix, Disney+, Apple TV, prime video, Hulu, HBO, and Youtube. It is a small and compact adapter-like device that also connects via USB. You can even use it at offices for presentations through screen mirroring.
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