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October 07, 2022
261 0
Sale Price: $6 Save $11 (65% Off) List Price: $17 In United States at desertcart.us Category: Computer
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- 3.5mm Jack connection
- Clip-on mechanism
- Interviews
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HUMBLE Dynamic Lapel Collar Mic Voice Recording Filter Microphone is perfect for interviews, conference calls, recordings, podcasts, gaming, and voice recordings. The mic is compatible with laptops, PC, and smartphones, tablets. You just need to plug and play via a 3.5mm Jack connection. The mic is equipped with a clip-on mechanism that can fit on shirts, collars, or tops. Also, its mute control button allows you to mute the mic easily. It has an omnidirectional pickup pattern that ensures a crisp transfer of vocals. The mic comes with filters that reduce all the cracking in the voice and enables vocal transfer.
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