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Deal Share R Russell Updated November 05, 2020 196 0
Sale Price: ₹499 Save ₹1421 (74% Off) List Price: ₹1920 In India at reliancedigital.in Category: Accessory
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  • 8GB - Storage
  • Works From - minus 25 degrees C to 85 degrees C
  • Data - Rescue Service
  • 50Mb/s - Transfer Speed
The Sony MS Pro-HG Duo 8GB-without adaptor is perfect for the digital camera addict to capture images at maximum capacity. Perfect for high-speed, smooth with DSLR, full HD movies, and 3D imaging. It gives you guaranteed compatibility with Sony devices,1.50MB/Sec transfer rate, and ew HX Engine technology for fast, reliable convey and includes free file rescue and Xpict story software. It also gives you assurance and reliability from Sony products and the Sony MS Pro Duo HG comes with a 10-year warranty.
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