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Telecom Devices I ihajduc3 Updated July 09, 2019 547 0 3 0
I love my Samsung Galaxy S10, it's a very fast and smooth device that has excellent battery life. The camera is very good since it's a 12 MP camera and takes amazing phones and videos. I enjoy having 128 gb of space to store pictures and downloads app that are useful to me. The display is better than most people's TVs with a sharp and crisp image. I also enjoy the fact that it has a headphone jack when many companies are dropping it. This phone has been much better than my Apple and I regret not switching sooner.

Location (Service or Device used)

Enter the country in which service was used.
State, Province or Region
Enter the State, Province or Region in which the service is used. Type for suggestions if the state you want to enter was already added by someone.To add a new state or province, type the name in the box and click 'Add' button. It will be added below the box and highlighted as 'selected' in black. Selected State/Province/ Region will be highlighted only below the box in black, which will not be directly displayed inside box.
Enter the city, town or village in which the service is used. Type for suggestions if the city you want to enter was already added by someone. To add a new city, type the city name in the box and click 'Add' button. It will be added below the box and highlighted as 'selected' in black. Selected city will be highlighted only below the box in black, which will not be directly displayed inside box.
Enter only the nearest major intersection, road, or landmark where the reviewed service is used. DON'T enter postal mailing address. Post will not be approved if the actual address is entered. CLICK the current location symbol at the end of the text box to enter your current location.
Postal Code
Enter nearby landmark. (ie: Shop, building, community name, etc.)
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