Telecom Tips
July 13, 2018
574 0 5 0
Have you enabled Incognito mode in Google App for private search and browse?
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If you have iOS 10 or above, you can enable Incognito mode in Google App which adds extra layer of privacy. When this mode turned on, your search and browse history are not saved. Incognito mode can be enabled through app's settings or using 3D touch option by hard pressing Google app icon in home screen. Additionally, enabling touch id for Incognito mode will allow to re-enter an existing Incognito session if you would have existed the app for short duration.
This tip is relevant to: Smartphone App | TD Ameritrade Mobile | Utilities. If this tip is related to a smart device, then it could be applicable to other similar devices and mobile OS as well.
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Telecom Tips
July 07, 2018
1082 0 3 0
Life360 app helps to track my kids when they go on trip
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Life360 is a family networking app with that family members can share the location and track realtime. When my kids go on a trip, I can track them and plan to pick them up by knowing their current location, and how long it'll take to come to the pickup point. Other benefits are it also shows the remaining battery life in family members cell phones and available for all the mobile platforms (iOS, Android, Windows Mobile). You can also get directions to the current location of a family member, since Life360 integrates with Google Maps and passes the coordinates.
This tip is relevant to: Smartphone App | Life360 | Utilities. If this tip is related to a smart device, then it could be applicable to other similar devices and mobile OS as well.
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