
Audible audiobooks & originals App Audio content & kids books

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(1 reviews)
Audible audiobooks & originals  App  Audio content & kids books
Audible audiobooks & originals - Q&A
Submitted By: App Reviewer
Seller: Audible, Inc. (...) Category: Books Reviewed Version: 3.25.1
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Paid Options
Audible is free to download for everyone, however, the free version has nothing worth the while. The free trail is available for 30 days but the time is mostly used up in trying to get the hang of things if the user is new. The free version of Audible has a few extracts of some stories but nothing else. Audible is linked with Amazon, so you can use your Amazon account to pay for Audible too.

Supported Languages:

Time has evolved our life and we need to get things done. In amidst this all we have forgotten things we all liked to do. Write, socialize, read or listen. Taking out time for things like writing and socializing is still possible but read books that make you forget where you are is a dangerous thing. That shouldn’t really stop us from divulging into our favorite books. How? Simple, listen a book; yes, just like those bed time stories our parents read to us, we can actually listen to book. 
Best place to do that? Obviously, Audible Audiobooks 

App Features and Capabilities
• Wide-Ranging Content Categories: Audible has a lot of categories of audio files. These range from Audiobooks, both Audible Originals and other titles, songs, songs, podcasts, to meditation audios. These files have a wide genre list and each genre has numerous titles under them. 
• Audible Originals: Extensive lists of original audiobooks published or released by Audible are called Audible Originals. These audiobooks are only available on Audible and will not be found anywhere else. 
• Cross-Syncing: Sync your books between your devices if you use Audible o more than one device at a time of change your phone. 
• Alexa Access: As Audible is backed by Amazon Prime; users can ask Alexa to play their Audiobook from the last page you left, seamlessly. Also, Audible has made it possible to convert simple pdf-s from Kindle to an audiobook with the help of Amazon's Whispersync. 
• Sleep Timer: Audible does not want you miss half of your book because you ended up sleeping in between. So the app allows you to set a timer after which the app will automatically stop playing. This will save you a lot of trouble in case of sleeping during a book listening. 
• Library Ownership: The titles purchased by the subscriber belong to the subscriber even if the membership is cancelled. The Audible membership contract is non-binding so it can be cancelled at any point of time. That, however, does not mean the books already purchased will be lost. 
• Swap: Don’t judge a book by its cover, as true as it is; it is very likely that we like the title of a book or the cover promises a completely different story line and we end up buying it only to realize we cannot read it let alone like it. Audible knows what to do. You can swap it for another title whenever you want with Audible Swap. 
• Listen at Your Ease: Audible lets you listen at your ease, from selecting the speed of reading to have sleep timer, the app also lets you get a dark theme or select the car mode when listening to while driving. 

• The Audible subscription cost for a month is around the same for a paperback. And the charge for audios of these books can be at least 4 times the price. Every month the subscribers are given 1 credit and they can buy 1 book from that. A good bargain if you read (read: listen) a book a lot. 
• It is good for people who speed read or skim through the story to get to a point. Listening ensures that they slow down and listen to the details to actually understand the story. 
• Listening to book is a good way of catching up with the reading habit left behind due to lack of time to sit and read, or no enthusiasm to actually read. The listening provides a lot of space to busy people to listen while doing something else. 

• Book reading is an interactive and brain consuming habit and hobby. The mind is forming the scenarios or joining dots or even at times, when reading non-fiction, branching out to study a few points. Some books even provide footnotes in the books for reference that be dealt with easily while we are reading but when listening to a book, the foot notes are read when the speaker gets there. Breaking consistency and disturbing concentration. 
• The speaker for some of the books on Audible UK does not connect with the story. Some books are area or nationality based and the person reading can be someone who has no idea about the background. 
• Some authors use very heavy words, reading helps in learning theses. Also, the listening some words only teach us the pronunciation. 

Other Information to Know
Audible Audiobooks by Audible, Inc. was purchased by Amazon Prime and that provides audiobooks and other audio based content to the public. The app was releases by the company to facilitate users that like listening to audiobooks on their phones. The app has a total download count of more than Hundred Million. 

User reviews

R (601 reviews)
App Usage:
1. The feature of free audiobook every month and the fact that they have some pretty great books to listen in the database.
2. The library is a particularly liked factor
3. A lot of people connect their car’s Bluetooth and listen while driving.

1. Not much options for free riders
2. Too many ads for subscription if user is reading previously purchased books

Rated App Version: 3.25.1 Phone Used: HUAWEI - reviews
  • Other Similar Apps Used: LibriVox
  • Other Similar Apps Used: Oodles
Country: United States