
Comparison Between DataCamp vs Springboard App?

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As two of the leading technical course providers in the industry, Springboard and DataCamp both offer a variety of courses designed to help students find a job in everything from data science to data analysis. Both schools allow students to work towards certification and new careers via online learning, though there are some big differences in the courses offered and how students are supported throughout their journey. 
DataCamp provides courses geared solely towards data-related professions such as data analyst, data engineer, machine learning engineer, quantitative analyst, Python programmer, and R programmer. 

Springboard offers bootcamps and short courses in UX design, data science, data analytics, software engineering, machine learning, tech sales and cybersecurity. All Springboard bootcamps are 100% online, self-paced, and take three, six, or nine months to complete. 

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R (581 reviews)

 All of DataCamp’s courses are 100% online and, like most MOOCs, take a hands-off approach to instruction, with courses consisting of video lectures and coding exercises.