
DataCamp vs Dataquest: Which is better for data science?

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Dataquest is an online learning platform dedicated to teaching users data science. It contains various career and skill paths, allowing you to pick a learning plan tailored to your individual needs. A significant strength of Dataquest is that it doesn't spoon-feed you the solutions for more complicated problems. As a result, the lack of guidance requires you to use other tools such as Stack Overflow to work your way through exercises when you get stuck. While you could argue that this is a criticism of the platform, in reality, it is mimicking the process that developers go through in real life when working on complex problems.

Similar to Dataquest, DataCamp is an online learning platform designed to teach data skills and it offers you a range of different career and skill paths. However, on DataCamp, these paths are called tracks. DataCamp starts off courses with an instructional video explaining the concepts you'll use in the accompanying exercises. In addition, all the DataCamp instructors are either experts in their field or educators at the master's/Ph.D. level. With such an impressive pedigree of instructors on board, DataCamp could be an excellent option for you if you're more of a visual learner.

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Both platforms cover all that maths needed to get to the intermediate phase. Overall, DataCamp wins this one; some of the concepts are very complicated if you're not big on maths, so the slower approach can be a big boon for users that need more time.