
Discord Tips and Tricks All Users Should Know?

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Discord Tips and Tricks All Users Should Know?
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While chatting with your friends on Discord, you are bound to run into various images worthy of memeifying! With the Remix feature on Discord, you can now quickly and easily edit an existing image with your choice of text, drawings, emoji, and stickers. Remix is rolling out to all Discord users on iOS and Android.

If you’re trying to coordinate with other people over Discord, you might run into timezone issues – often people in disparate communities live all across the world, and trying to specify exactly when everyone should arrive in their relative time can actually prove to be quite hard. Discord ran into this enough themselves that a solution is actually built into the application: a special  message (plus an optional :{format} you can append). Once you send this timestamp, each person will see the correct time in their timezone.

Discord now allows users to send “silent” messages to other users. When a silent message is sent, the recipient won’t receive a push or desktop notification from the Discord application. However, they’ll still be able to see the “notification dot” that tells them they have a new message to read. Enter the command "@silent" in front of your Discord message, and then send it. Recipients won't receive any push or desktop notifications for the message. When you send a silent message, you'll see a bell icon next to the time sent.

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R (584 reviews)

Timestamps can be typed in Discord messages to include a date, time, or countdown that will constantly be updated and in-sync with every user's timezone and date format settings. The number that is used is a Unix Timestamp, which counts the number of seconds since January 1st, 1970. Users...