
Discover the Best and Top Telegram Bots for Everyday Use

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Discover the Best and Top Telegram Bots for Everyday Use
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  • Stickers Download.
  • Gmail Bot.
  • Pomodoro Bot
Send any photo, sticker, or URL to a photo and it will be convert and resized and send it to you as a file ready to be forwarded. Download your favourite stickers in jpg,png,webp formats or whole pack as zip file. Fully supports many languages translated by native speakers. The bot will automatically try to detect and set the language based on your device settings when you first start it, but you can change it manually at any time with /lang.

Telegram Gmail Bot is a part of the Telegram Bot Ecosystem. The Bot's use of information received from Google APIs will adhere to Google API Services User Data Policy, including the Limited Use requirements. The Bot requests your permission to access your Gmail Data via OAuth. After you accept the request, Telegram use the Google API to receive your new emails and notify you about them in Telegram.

You can reply to those emails, forward, archive and delete them as well as create and send new emails, right from Telegram. In order to provide these features, Telegram store your Gmail API token, your notification preferences and your Gmail screen name. Telegram also store the cache of your incoming messages for the previous 7 days for you to be able to reply to these messages via Telegram; all such cached data older than one week will be cleared automatically.

Pomodoro timer bot created to organize workflow using pomodoro technique. It is a quite simple technique which offers optimal combination of pure focused work and rest to maximize your productivity. Pomodoro Bot helps you get things done using the Pomodoro Technique which consists of 5 simple steps.

  • Choose the task.
  • Start the timer.
  • Work on the task until the timer rings.
  • Take a short break (3–5 minutes).
  • After four pomodoros, take a longer break (15–30 minutes)

User reviews

R (584 reviews)

For those who prefer a structured approach to studying or working, Pomodoro Bot is a fantastic companion. This chatbot leverages the renowned pomodoro technique, which involves alternating work and relaxation intervals to enhance productivity and prevent burnout. Pomodoro Bot helps to set timers and maintain focus during work sessions,...