
Do you need to know anything to get started on DataCamp?

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Do you need to know anything to get started on DataCamp?
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Most of DataCamp courses have a section called Prerequisites located on the course's homepage. Prerequisites are courses that should be taken beforehand for the best learning experience. They are recommended but not mandatory, especially if you already have a strong grasp of the content in those courses. 

DataCamp has courses for both beginners and experts. Whether you’re new to data science or have years of experience, you can learn something new that will help you grow. 

While some DataCamp courses are introductory and therefore require no prerequisite knowledge, most courses have content that needs a bit more. DataCamp want their students to be prepared (and not overwhelmed), so they ensure that all courses beyond the absolute beginner level have DataCamp courses listed as prerequisites on the course landing page. 

User reviews

R (581 reviews)

 DataCamp is a superb resource for those who want to learn more about data science and data engineering, but those who take these classes will need to be driven and self-motivated.