
Hedychium coronarium of the Zingiberaceae ginger family and native to the forest understorey of Asia

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Hedychium coronarium of the Zingiberaceae ginger family and native to the forest understorey of Asia
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The white garland-lily, also known as the white ginger lily, is a perennial blooming plant that is a member of the ginger family Zingiberaceae and is indigenous to the Asian subtropical forest understorey.

It is an erect perennial that grows to a height of 3.3 to 9.8 feet. It features long, angular leaves and fragrant, white blooms with golden centers.  

In its natural habitat, flowering takes place from August to December. It often grows in the understory of forests, where underground rhizomes give rise to pseudostems.
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Hedychium coronarium Kenya    What3words Address: ///craziest.latent.shelled

Plant Perennial flowering plant