
How can you Cancel a Subscription on Android?

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How can you Cancel a Subscription on Android?
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You may cancel your subscription (including free trials) at any time. Subscriptions are automatically billed according to the period stated upon purchase (weekly/monthly/annually). The cancellation steps vary depending on who your subscription is billed through. If you're using an Android phone and subscribed through the app, your account is being billed and managed by Google Play. Below are the step-by-step instructions on how you can cancel a subscription, depending on what device you're using. 

  • On your Android device, go to subscriptions in Google Play. 
  • Select the subscription you want to cancel. 
  • Tap Cancel subscription. 
  • Follow the instructions. 
If you have a subscription with an app and the app gets removed from Google Play, your future subscription will be canceled. Your past subscriptions can’t be refunded, with some exceptions as specified in Google Play’s refund policies. 

Subscriptions on Google Play are for an indefinite term, and you’ll be charged at the beginning of each billing cycle according to your subscription terms (for example, weekly, annually, or another period), unless you unsubscribe. 

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R (584 reviews)

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