
How can you Mute a specific channel on discord?

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How can you Mute a specific channel on discord?
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There are two categories of muting notifications, channel mutes and server-wide mutes. They're super effective. If you don't need to blackout your entire server chat, but rather, just silence a couple that are blowing up your notifications, there are a few different ways to mute them. 

If you only have one channel that you'd like to mute, toggle that channel and click the bell icon in the upper right-hand corner. When muted, the icon will update. In order to mute multiple channels within a single server at once, click on the arrow next to the Server Name to pull up the Server menu. 

Then click Notification Settings from the drop-down menu that appears. Under Notification Overrides you'll be able to control the specific channels you don't want to hear from. 

User reviews

R (584 reviews)

 Remember muting a server is not immune to notifications pertaining to you personally, such as @username, @role, @everyone, or @here.