
How do I Edit a sent message on WhatsApp?

R Updated
(1 reviews)
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How do I Edit a sent message on WhatsApp?
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You should know the requirements for editing a sent message on WhatsApp:

  • You won't see the Edit option on an outdated WhatsApp app. Make sure to install the latest WhatsApp app on your iPhone, Android, Windows desktop, or Mac. The company's desktop app is available on the Microsoft Store and Mac App Store. 
  • The recipient also needs to use the latest WhatsApp version on their phone. 
  • You can only edit the message within 15 minutes of sending the message. The Edit option disappears after that. 
  • You can edit the sent WhatsApp message only from the device from which it was sent. You can't send a message from your Android phone and edit it using the desktop app within the time limit. You must use the original device to edit the text. 
WhatsApp places a few limitations on the messages you can edit: 

  • You can't edit several messages at once in WhatsApp. 
  • Once you edit a message, the recipient can't see the original message. 
  • You can edit a message multiple times within the 15-minute time limit. But you can't check the message history. 
  • You can edit a message in personal chats and groups. The same isn't available on WhatsApp Community announcement groups. 

User reviews

R (584 reviews)

It's an amazing feature that saves you from embarrassing situations. After the 15-minute window, you can't edit sent messages. You must delete the message for everyone and send a text again. WhatsApp lets you undo a sent message for up to 48 hours. Two days should be sufficient to...