
How do you Create a Poll to Instagram Stories?

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How do you Create a Poll to Instagram Stories?
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The polls feature on Instagram Stories allows you to engage with your followers by asking questions and receiving answers from them. Polls are a great way to learn something from your audience or highlight a product or feature without seeming too promotional. Creating a poll on Instagram is pretty easy. 
  • Create a new Instagram Story by tapping the "+" icon and sliding over to "story".
  • Tap the sticker icon at the top of the screen (it's square with a smiley). 
  • Tap to select the “poll” sticker icon. 
  • Fill in the question for your poll and edit your answer options. 
  • Tap “Your Story” or “Send to” to share your poll on your stories. 
To view the results of your Instagram poll, simply view your own story and tap the "Seen by" button in the lower left corner. This will show you how many viewers you've had on your story as well as who voted on your poll and how many votes each answer option received. 

Your followers might want to know which choice got the most votes in your recent poll. There's also a "Share Results" button so you can easily share the results of your poll onto your Instagram stories. 

User reviews

R (584 reviews)

When you create a slider poll in your Instagram story, your followers will be able to see the poll and vote on it, but they will not be able to see who voted on the poll. This means that if you vote on your own poll, your followers will...