
How do you Quote a Tweet without the Link?

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Twitter is a social media platform on which users can post and interact with messages known as “tweets”. Tweets are text-based posts of up to 280 characters and can include hashtags, mentions, and links. Users can also interact with tweets by “liking” them, retweeting them, or replying to them. Twitter is also a source of real-time information, news, and updates.

A quoted tweet, also known as a “retweet with comment,” is when a user reposts another user’s tweet and adds their own comment or thoughts to it. This feature allows users to share someone else’s tweet and add their own context or perspective to it. When you quote tweet, the original tweet will be visible in your tweet with “Retweeted” label on top of it, along with your comment, which will be visible in a separate box. 

The quoted tweet will include a link to the original tweet, so that other users can see the original context. Users can also use the Quote Tweet feature to add their own comment, thoughts, or reactions to a tweet, rather than simply reposting it. This can be useful for adding context or starting a conversation about the original tweet.

User reviews

R (584 reviews)

Quote tweets are commonly used throughout X. These are a quick and direct way to add your thoughts to a conversation about a trending topic. Quote tweets are a great way to provide context for your thoughts since these tweets reference the subject you're discussing.