
How does Google Drive file share works?

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How does Google Drive file share works?
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If you need multiple people to open a file, publish the file then create a link to share to people with access. You can give edit access to people who need to edit or comment on the file. Depending on your account’s settings, publishing a file makes it visible to everyone on the web, everyone in your organization, or a group of people in your organization. Be careful when publishing private or sensitive info. 

If your document is shared with many people and it’s crashing or not updating quickly. Instead of allowing people to comment on a document or spreadsheet, create a Google Form to collect feedback. 
  • If you’re making a copy of a document, don’t include resolved comments and suggestions. 
  • Delete older information or move data into a new document. 
  • Ask people with access to close the document when they aren’t using it. 
  • Include only the most important information in a published document. Shorter documents load faster.
  • Reduce the amount of people with edit access to a document. 
  • If collecting information from multiple documents, create a new, access-only document to share with a large number of people.

User reviews

R (584 reviews)

If you have an account through work or school, your administrator can limit who can access a published file. If you're an administrator, you should learn how to control who can publish documents to the web.