
How to bookmark ChatGPT Playground on Windows PC and access from iPhone using Chrome Browser?

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How to bookmark ChatGPT Playground on Windows PC and access from iPhone using Chrome Browser?
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As of now, there is no official ChatGPT mobile app available for iOS or Android devices. 

On an iPhone, you can access the ChatGPT interface only using Chrome or other browsers. For easy access through Chrome browser on iPhone, you can bookmark it first on Windows PC and access it later on iPhone using that bookmark.

  1. To access ChatGPT on iPhone using Chrome browser, first login to your Google account on Chrome browser in your Windows PC and bookmark the ChatGPT interface.
  2. To do so, launch the Chrome browser on your PC and type into the address bar. 
  3. To create a new account, click Sign up and enter an email address and password. 
  4. Once you verify the account, you can log in to your account. You can also use your Google or Microsoft Account to log in. 
  5. Create a Bookmark for the ChatGPT interface. For the convenience access, you can add this directly to the Bookmark Bar.
  6. If you have not already installed the Chrome App on your iPhone, go to the App Store and install the app.
  7. Once installed, launch the Chrome browser and login using the Google account that you used on your PC to bookmark the ChatGPT.
  8. Now, you can access the ChatGPT bookmark on Chrome and login to your OpenAI account.
  9. Once logged in, you can choose your playground and ask questions using ChatGPT.
  10. If you haven’t already bookmarked the ChatGPT interface page, you can do so to access it quickly later.
  11. Once bookmarked you can access anytime from the Chrome app on iPhone.