How to Change “X” Profile Username?
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How to Change “X” Profile Username?
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Your username also known as your handle begins with the “@” symbol, is unique to your account, and appears in your profile URL. Your username is used to log in to your account, and is visible when sending and receiving replies and Direct Messages. People can also search for you by your username.
Your display name referred to as name is a personal identifier on Twitter and is separate from your username. It can be things like something playful, a business name, or a real name, and is displayed next to your username. You can update your name at any time.
Changing your username will not affect your existing followers, Direct Messages, or replies. Your followers will simply see a new username next to your profile photo when you update. We suggest you alert your followers before you change your username so they can direct replies or Direct Messages to your new usernam
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Your username must be more than 4 characters long and can be up to 15 characters or less. Your username can contain only letters, numbers, and underscores, no spaces are allowed. Your display name can be up to 50 characters long. Additionally, please note...