
How to convert images or photos as PDF on iPhone?

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How to convert images or photos as PDF on iPhone?
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Using the iPhone print option you can convert any photo or image to PDF. You can select one or more photos and convert them into a single PDF document.
  1. To convert an image to PDF, open a photo on your camera or photo app.
  2. Tap Share option at the bottom left. You can select more photos to be added to the PDF.
  3. Scroll down and tap Print.
  4. Tap Share again at the top right.
  5. You would notice that the images are already converted into PDF.
  6. Now you can share this PDF through messenger apps, or save to a cloud drive.
  7. In this example, this PDF is stored on the iPhone files. Rename the file and save. Go to the Files app to access the newly created file. You can view, email, or share the PDF from here as well.