How to Delete a Snap from a Story of Snapchat?
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How to Delete a Snap from a Story of Snapchat?
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You can delete Snaps that you’ve sent to Stories, friends, or groups.
To delete a Snap from a Story:
- Tap your Bitmoji or Story icon at the top to go to My Profile.
- Tap the Story that you want to delete a Snap from.
- Swipe up on the Snap you want to delete (If you’ve added multiple Snaps to the Story, tap to advance to the Snap you want to delete.)
- Tap at the bottom and tap 'Delete'
- To delete a Snap in Chat, press and hold on it and tap 'Delete.'
Your friends will be able to see that a Snap was deleted in Chat.
You can delete a Snap if the Snap is in the following states:
- Delivered.
- Opened (by one or all members of the conversation).
When you delete a Snap, Snapchat attempt to remove it from our servers and your friends' devices. This might not always work if someone has a bad internet connection, or is running an old version of Snapchat. In this case, the deleted Snap may still appear for a brief moment.
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