
How to Disable Permissions in Android?

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Android app permissions can give apps control of your phone and access to your camera, microphone, private messages, conversations, photos, and more. App permission requests pop up the first time an app needs access to sensitive hardware or data on your phone or tablet and are usually privacy-related. 

Apps often need to request certain permissions, but with dozens of apps on any given device, it can be tough to keep up with the permissions you’ve previously granted especially if you haven’t used an app for an extended period of time. This feature helps protect user privacy by automatically resetting an app’s runtime permissions which are permissions that display a prompt to the user when requested if the app isn’t used for a few months. 

Some apps and permissions are automatically exempted from revocation, like active Device Administrator apps used by enterprises, and permissions fixed by enterprise policy. If needed, developers can ask the user to prevent the system from resetting their app's permissions. This is useful in situations where users expect the app to work primarily in the background, even without interacting with it. 

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 Other permissions can include monitoring your location, saving data, sending and receiving calls and texts, reading sensitive log data, or accessing your contacts, calendar, or browsing history.