
How to Manage your Expense using Telegram?

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Telegram bot to manage your money is the easiest way to record your expenses on the go. No more extra apps on your phone. All you need is Telegram.

Expense-Bot is a single-entry accounting bot for Telegram, created for their 2016, BotPrize competition. It is built with NodeJS and RethinkDB. Expense_Bot leverages several packages in the rich npm ecosystem to create Excel spreadsheets for data export and pie charts for visualization. It implements a state machine in RethinkDB to maintain context for incoming messages. The inspiration for the bot arose from the need for better financial management. Facing challenges in tracking expenses, the idea was to develop a user-friendly solution for effortless expense logging.

The Expense chat-bot works perfectly in group chats, making it ideal for tracking family finances. You can add as many people as you like to a Telegram group chat and Expense Chat bot will listen to everyone carefully, ensuring that no transaction details get mixed up. You have a powerful and free tool to record your expenses with minimum effort. This chat-bot will also sends you monthly reports on every first day of the month.

User reviews

R (584 reviews)

Using a Telegram bot for expense tracking can help develop a conscious attitude towards money and improve financial management. The conscious attitude towards money is a habit worth instilling in oneself, and a telegram bot can help with this by tracking expenses and conducting basic analytics. ...