
How to Pin a Message on Discord?

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How to Pin a Message on Discord?
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It is available to moderators, administrators, server owners, and other users who have permission to "Manage Messages" in various server channels. This feature helps you find and share vital messages quickly, especially when new users join a specific channel.

It acts like a sticky note for Discord, making sure valuable information such as server rules do not get overshadowed by new messages even months after the pinned messages are first posted. You can only pin 50 messages in the pin box in Discord, meaning if you want to pin new messages, you will have to delete older ones to make space.

This may feel like a disadvantage. However, it makes perfect sense. Pinning messages is only for important information that must be used in the future. Removing this limit and giving people free rein on the number of messages they can pin will eventually lead to too many pinned messages, defeating the feature's purpose.

User reviews

R (581 reviews)

The usefulness of pinning makes it very important for both old and new users as you can relay important information without having to go through tons of old messages.