
What if you forget Snapchat password?

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What if you forget Snapchat password?
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If you have a verified phone number or email associated with your account, you can reset your password from the Snapchat Log in screen. You can also reset your password via email.

Snapchat recommend selecting a password that is at least 8 characters in length, that does not contain your name, username, phone number, birthday, or other personal information. It is best to include a mix of numbers, symbols and/or capital and lowercase letters in your new password.

If you have login verification enabled, you may need your verification or recovery code to log in.

For security reasons, Snapchat unable to reset a password for an account if:
  • The email address you are writing in from is not associated with the account.
  • You do not know the associated email address and/or phone number.
  • You do not have access to the email address and/or phone number associated with the account.

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R (584 reviews)

If you happen to forget the email associated with your account, or don't have a phone number attached to it, it will be more difficult to get into your account. Snapchat can't reset a password for an account if you forgot the email or phone number associated with it,...