
How to Share a Tweet on Snapchat?

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You can add a tweet directly to a snap you send on Snapchat by linking your accounts. When you send a tweet on Snapchat, people who receive your snap can swipe up to open the tweet. You can only share tweets from public Twitter accounts locked Twitter accounts can't be shared on Snapchat. 

To add a tweet to Snapchat, navigate to the tweet and open the Share menu, then select "Snap Camera." This feature is currently only available for iOS users. If you don’t see the ‘Snap Camera’ option in Twitter, make sure both Twitter and Snapchat are updated to the latest version on your iPhone. 

This is a fairly decent way of adding tweets into your snaps. What’s more, you can even add the link to the tweet in your snap with the URL tool, so people can view the tweet in Twitter if they want to. If you’ve abandoned Snapchat for Instagram Stories, Twitter also says that a small group of iOS users will be able to test sharing tweets to Instagram Stories soon. 

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Please be aware that X content shared and posted on Snapchat may not reflect the current state of the content on X and will be governed by Snapchat’s policies and rules.