
How to Stop Parental Control Supervision in Android Mobile?

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How to Stop Parental Control Supervision in Android Mobile?
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Parental supervision means the looking after, or monitoring a child's activities by a parent. The most basic form of parental supervision includes keeping away children from dangerous objects and situations and hurting themselves or others. Parental supervision also helps to protect children from violent or pornographic imagery. This feature explains how you can stop parental supervision. Means if your child try to stop parental supervision on his own then his mobile will be locked up and he needs access code from parents. And if he accidently locked his phone then how can his parents get access code and unlock their child’s mobile.

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R (584 reviews)

Parental control supervision is an amazing feature to monitor your child's activities. It explains how can you stop parental supervision if your child is under control and what will be the consequences if your child stop parental supervision on his own.