
How to take Snaps on Snapchat with a Timer?

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Snapchat introduced this feature to spice up your experience on the app. This way, you can choose your pose before taking a snap. Also, your friends and followers can appreciate your picture longer than the default 3 secs on the app 

Snapchat allows users to create Snaps using a timer feature. This feature works differently depending on whether users want to take a photo or video Snap. If users want to take a photo Snap, the timer will cause the application to count down from three before automatically taking a photograph. If users want to take a video Snap, they can set the timer so the app will count down from three and then automatically record for a desired length of time before stopping. 

Snapchat puts the pleasure of its users first. So for that perfect photo and video, you can always use the timer option to give you excellent results. 

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R (584 reviews)

  Snapchat allows you to add a timer to your Snaps, which determines how long your friends can view them? For instance, you can add a five-second timer to a photo Snap, so that they can only view the picture for five seconds. Our guide will show you...