
How to Turn Off Sensitive Content on Instagram?

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The Sensitive Content Control has only two options for teens: “Standard” and “Less.” New teens on Instagram under 16 years old will be defaulted into the “Less” state. For teens already on Instagram, Instagram will send a prompt encouraging them to select the “Less” experience. This will make it more difficult for young people to come across potentially sensitive content or accounts in Search, Explore, Hashtag Pages, Reels, Feed Recommendations and Suggested Accounts.

In addition, Instagram is testing a new way to encourage teens to update their safety and privacy settings. Instagram will show prompts asking teens to review their settings including: controlling who can reshare their content, who can message and contact them, what content they can see and how they can manage their time spent on Instagram.

the Sensitive Content Control will cover all surfaces where Instagram will make recommendations. In addition to Explore, you will now be able to control the amount of sensitive content and accounts you see in Search, Reels, Accounts You Might Follow, Hashtag Pages and In-Feed Recommendations. With this update, Instagram also applying the technology to enforce Recommendation Guidelines to Instagram’s recommendations on Search and Hashtag pages. 

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The Sensitive Content Control has three options, which we’ve renamed from when we first introduced the control to help explain what each option does. The three options are: “More”, “Standard” and “Less”. “Standard” is the default state, and will prevent people from seeing some sensitive content and...