
How to use Telegram on Desktop?

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How to use Telegram on Desktop?
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You can only use Telegram on the web if you are an existing user. You can't create a new Telegram account from within your web browser. You must use Telegram's desktop or mobile app to sign up for the service. You can access the Telegram web app from a computer browser. This is a handy option for using the messaging service when you are on a public PC or using a friend's laptop or a family's computer for work. 

Telegram Web works across all major browsers like Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Safari, and Mozilla Firefox. It is platform-centric, and you can access it on any modern operating system, including your mobile phone, iPad, or Android tablet. 

  • Open Telegram Web on your PC. A QR code appears on the screen. 
  • Launch the Telegram app on your phone. 
  • Open the Settings menu. 
  • Tap Devices. 
  • Select the Link Desktop Device option. 
  • Scan the QR code displayed on Telegram's web app. 
  • If you don't have access to the Telegram app on your phone, use the Log In by Phone Number option. 
  • Enter your number. 
  • You'll receive a five-digit code in the Telegram app on your phone. Enter it to log in to Telegram Web. 
  • If you turned on two-step verification, enter the password. 

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R (584 reviews)

You can bookmark the Telegram web app link to access it on your work computer. Then, you can access your chats and continue conversations without installing the desktop app on your PC. Unlike Telegram on mobile, you cannot start an end-to-end encrypted secret chat from the web or desktop...