
How to write lyrics and create a personalized music video using AI on iPhone

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How to write lyrics and create a personalized music video using AI on iPhone
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If you want to create a personalized video to impress your friends and family members and celebrate their special occasions, you can do it using AI on your iPhone.

To get started, download the SongBot AI App on your iPhone.

  1. Open the SongBot App.
  2. Tap the “AI” button.
  3. Select an idea from the existing list or enter your own idea. For example, you can ask AI to create lyrics for "Celebrating the arrival of spring."
  4. SongBot AI will instantly generate the lyrics.
  5. Tap “Tracks” at the bottom left to select a music track for your video.
  6. Tap “Vocalists” to choose a vocalist.
  7. Tap “Style” and go to “Video”. Choose a video style for mobile or regular format.
  8. Tap the “+” button and then tap “Create Video”.
  9. Now, AI will generate the video.
  10. Tap on the video to preview it.
  11. Tap “Share Video” to save or share the video.
  12. Access the saved video on your phone to play, share, or publish it.