Lantana camara perennial shrub in Kebirigo Nyamira county, Kenya
Emmanuel Sagini

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Lantana camara is a perennial, erect, sprawling or scandent shrub that thrives in a variety of environments. It typically reaches heights of 2 meters and forms dense thickets. It can grow to a height of 6 m and climb up trees under the appropriate circumstances.
The opposite, simple, widely ovate leaves offer a potent aroma when crushed.
L. camara has tiny, four-petalled tubular flowers that are arranged in clusters at the terminal parts of the stems. Flowers come in a variety of colors, including red, yellow, white, pink, and orange.
These colors vary depending on where in the inflorescences they are found, as well as their age and maturity. The blossom smells tutti frutti with a hint of spice.
The opposite, simple, widely ovate leaves offer a potent aroma when crushed.
L. camara has tiny, four-petalled tubular flowers that are arranged in clusters at the terminal parts of the stems. Flowers come in a variety of colors, including red, yellow, white, pink, and orange.
These colors vary depending on where in the inflorescences they are found, as well as their age and maturity. The blossom smells tutti frutti with a hint of spice.
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