
Metallic claw hammer

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Mwamochama building, West Mugirango Constituency,
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Claw Hammer is built of high-quality materials such as steel with a high hardness, a huge torque, and is solid and long-lasting. Surface plating is in chrome for anti-rust, anti-corrosion, and long service life. 

It has a good design, so it is easier to force with less effort and is more efficient. It offers a wide range of applications and can meet a variety of needs. It is a required tool for repairing or maintaining automobiles, bicycles, tool projects, building, furniture, and other items. 

The tool is required for the majority of minor repairs and basic DIY projects around the house. It's ideal for handymen, repairmen, construction workers, mechanics, and body shops. It's also a useful item to have around the house, garage, and workshop.
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Photos taken with Galaxy A12 Android 12  
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Metallic claw hammer Mwamochama building, West Mugirango Constituency,    What3words Address: ///baffle.belief.flippantly

Object Construction tools