
New generation 200 shillings Kenyan note

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81, Kebirigo Nyamira, 40506, Kenya
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The Kenyatta International Conference Center, one of Kenya's most iconic monuments, is seen on the front of the country's new blue 200-shilling note as well as the 50-, 100-, 500-, and 1,000-shilling notes.   
The final zero of each denomination shows one of Africa's "Big Five" animals. This denomination features a rhinoceros (kifaru). Images that are original work from the Central Bank of Kenya.
On June 1, Kenya's President Uhuru Kenyatta unveiled a new set of five-note banknotes. The launch took place during a commemoration of Madaraka Day, the anniversary of the country's separation from Great Britain in 1963.
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Money 81, Kebirigo Nyamira, 40506, Kenya    What3words Address: ///knack.ventilate.fumbled

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