
What are Benefits of Discord Partner Program?

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What are Benefits of Discord Partner Program?
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and extra tools to help them invest in their community. If you see a Partner badge next to the server's name, you know it's one of the best communities out there.
Discord recently announced some exciting changes to the Partner Program, be sure to check discord announcement blog & Partnership requirements.

⦁ Get Hyped. The Partner & Verified Server Programs are BACK.
⦁ Discord Partnership Requirements.

Upon acceptance, you’ll receive the following server and user perks:
⦁ Vanity URL
⦁ Server Invite Splash Images 
⦁ Server Banners
⦁ Animated Server Icon
⦁ Up to 384kbps voice bitrate 
⦁ A fancy Partner server badge
⦁ A fancy Partner profile badge for the owner
⦁ Free Discord Nitro for the server owner

User reviews

R (581 reviews)

Label your server as a Community Server. This is done in Discord under your Server Settings. Once you've set your server to Community, you should see a Partner Program tab. You'll need to hit certain engagement stats before you can apply.