
What are Discord Badges and their Roles?

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What are Discord Badges and their Roles?
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Discord has badges that are awarded to specific members of a group to help distinguish them. Earning them is a matter of pride and honor, and makes the profile look much better. Some badges are easy to get. For example, answer five questions and receive a badge. Others are much harder which makes them more valuable and rare to have under the profile. Following are list of badges which can be obtained by doing specific tasks. 

  • HypeSquad House Badge.
  • HypeSquad Events Badge.
  • Discord Server Booster Badge.
  • Discord Nitro Badge.
  • Early Supporter badge.
  • Bug Hunter Badge 

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  If you do not have access to your backup codes, then you are unable to remove 2FA and you will have to create a new account. Discord cannot remove 2FA or issue you new backup codes.