
What if you lost Discord Back up Codes?

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What if you lost Discord Back up Codes?
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A discord backup code is an 8-digit code used to log into Discord account when you are locked out. It is the backup of the 6-digit two-factor authentication (2FA) code that is used for logging in Discord together with Discord username and password under the 2FA. The 2FA is a second step security measure when logging into Discord; it is not required but recommended for safety purposes. The discord backup code is NOT the password of a Discord account. 

As a reliable security mechanism, 2FA has gained great popularity among Discord users. 

In this video you will learn about how to recover your discord account if you lost your backup codes and how can you get your backup codes from discord app. 

User reviews

R (582 reviews)

  If you don’t have a backup code at hand when you are completely locked out of your account, you will lose your account. Discord support cannot remove 2FA from your account.