
What is Data Camp Good for?

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(1 reviews)
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DataCamp excels at teaching the key fundamentals and giving learners the tools they need to get started. In a nutshell, DataCamp teaches core programming very well. 

Lessons on general programming context and syntax are followed intuitively in the curriculum by the introduction of data analysis and science-specific packages, such as Pandas in Python for data cleaning and manipulation or ggplot in R for data visualization. 

The transition is seamless and scaffolded well.Learning plans are bite-sized (meaning courses within a given plan/track are broken down in sections of two to four hours per course) and keep the course material manageable while also providing a modular learning experience. 

This organization helps you get accustomed to working with data under scenarios that are similar to what you’ll later encounter as you dive into data analytics in whatever role you may land as a result of picking up these skills. 

User reviews

R (584 reviews)

 Data camp courses are vital to help you to both practice you’re learning with real-world projects while effectively learning on the job with your team.