
How to Enable Personalization and Data Settings on “X”?

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How to Enable Personalization and Data Settings on “X”?
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Your Personalization and data settings give you more granular control over how X (Twitter) makes use of your data, including how X  personalize your Twitter experience and how X share non-public information with certain business partners. You can use these controls to better personalize your experience on Twitter, and to make informed choices about whether Twitter collect certain data, how to use it, and how to share it. You can also disable all of these features with a single master setting found at the top of the screen. 

On Twitter for iOS and Android: Tap the icon of your profile photo in the upper-left corner, select Settings and privacy, select Privacy and safety, and tap Personalization and data. 

On desktop web, visit the Personalization and data settings page. This page can be accessed both when you are logged in to Twitter and when you are logged out. 

The settings you see when you are logged in to your Twitter account will apply whenever you are logged in to that account on any device, whether web or mobile. 

The settings you see when you are logged out only affect your current browser, and only when you are not logged in to Twitter 

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R (584 reviews)

Twitter lets you personalize the trending topics you see based on certain factors. These include geographic preferences so that you only see location-based trends depending on where you are. Here you can also choose a specific region that you want to see trending topics from.