
Which is better 365 Data Science or DataCamp?

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Which is better 365 Data Science or DataCamp?
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DataCamp is one of the most popular platforms for e-learning. But students have diverse learning goals and needs regarding online data science training. If you are looking for a DataCamp alternative, 365 Data Science is a comprehensive platform that you can rely on to advance your skills, prepare for every aspect of the job application process, and start your career.

365 Data Science is particularly suitable for beginner and intermediate students. The course curriculum ensures a solid foundation that allows you to understand the more complicated topics later.

365 Data Science designed a platform with gamified features to support and motivate students to build positive learning habits, which are rewarded with various benefits. In addition to the standard dashboard—where you set goals and track your progress, 365 also offers an XP system, leaderboard, news feed, collectible cards, and much more.

DataCamp, on the other hand, does not offer gamified features apart from an XP system that measures your engagement with the platform based on the exercises, courses, and tracks you have completed. Students do not get rewards for earning XPs nor have a leaderboard where they can compete with other motivated learners—making the experience less memorable.

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R (581 reviews)

365 Data Science provides lessons dedicated to the set up in each programming-related course. All exercises and practical tasks are performed in a real environment to prepare you for the real-world challenges of any data science or analytics job and datasets of any size.