
Comcast Monthly plan at Chicago, IL, United States

U Updated
(1 reviews)
Comcast Monthly plan at Chicago, IL, United States

Service Information

Service Type
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Plan Type
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Service Provider
Select service provider from the list or enter a new service provider that is not listed using 'Add' button. Once you add a service provider, it'll be listed as an option to select in the drop down.
Service Package/Plan
Enter the package or plan of the service provider that you have used and want to review. Type for suggestions if the service plan you want to review was already added by someone, which you can select and review for your location. To add a new service plan, type the plan details in the box and click 'Add' button. It will be added below the box and highlighted as 'selected' in black. Selected option will be highlighted only below the box in black, which will not be directly displayed inside box.
Monthly plan
Service Description/Usage
Enter detailed description of the service in few lines and how it is used. You can also upload appropriate screenshots if that helps to describe the service better.
The service I use is on a monthly basis, we get lots of data and usage of both cable and wifi each month.  We don't receive any phone service, the customer service is questionable. 
Service Provider/Plan Link
Enter the URL of the service provider web site or to the web page of the service plan starting with http.
Service Usability

Location (Service or Device used)

Enter the country in which service was used.
State, Province or Region
Enter the State, Province or Region in which the service is used. Type for suggestions if the state you want to enter was already added by someone.To add a new state or province, type the name in the box and click 'Add' button. It will be added below the box and highlighted as 'selected' in black. Selected State/Province/ Region will be highlighted only below the box in black, which will not be directly displayed inside box.
Enter the city, town or village in which the service is used. Type for suggestions if the city you want to enter was already added by someone. To add a new city, type the city name in the box and click 'Add' button. It will be added below the box and highlighted as 'selected' in black. Selected city will be highlighted only below the box in black, which will not be directly displayed inside box.
Postal Code

Service Feedback

What do you like about the service? This will help other users considering this service or plan to purchase.
Fast internet, clear picture when watching cable. 
What do you dislike about the service? This will help other users considering this service or plan to purchase.
Bad customer service, sometimes you're put on hold for a long time. Cost isn't the best, doesn't provide the best coverage or recent offers to customers. Other regions might be similar to what people in this state encounter with the service. 

If you use the same service at the same location, please provide your ratings using the 'Add new review' button below. After submitting review, you can preferably upload the screenshot of the signal bars displayed at the top of your phone at this location.

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User reviews

J (3 reviews)

Comcast provides fast speed for internet service for surfing and watching videos. I sometimes experience that the internet speed is ups and downs, which there are times when the internet speed that's so slow that I have to reset the modem quite frequently. Customer service is alright when comes to...