
iPhone 7 Plus review

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Phone or Device purchased at: Ebay
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Service provider used with the phone: AT&T - Q&A | Reviews
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It was bought in perfect condition, only needed the latest update. Works quick and I have never had a problem. Ease of use to start and upload all of my information. I synced it to my IPad because I had switched from an andriod. It came with the charger and information packet. I did buy a one-year warranty, just in case of any accidents. eBay made the buying process easy and I was very assured of my purchase. Sold by a third party , neither AT&T nor Apple. Great reviews, for both the phone and seller. The phone had only been out 2 years when I had purchased it.

Phone or Device Usage
I use this phone for personal and business. It holds all of my family photos as well as my main camera for new products in my store. I take photos daily and the clarity on the camera is amazing. I make calls and send messages all day with no issues. I am also on my email most of the day with no drops or lags. I have apps that I play as well as all of my social media accounts I access daily. I use my phone to update my location when I am at markets weekly for work. Apple has exclusive apps that I need for work. My phone is a central part of my daily life now and I need one that can do all the tasks I need. I use this phone with my iPad daily as well.

I love the camera and how clear it is. I love the compacting it has and all of the apps that I love. I also really enjoy that I can sync all of my pictures and contacts to my iPad automatically. The apps Apple has are amazing, I have so many art and drawing apps I love. I love the cases I can buy for this phone as well. The ease of use is great and the finger print scan for almost every app is great. Saves so much time. The filters and clarity on the camera is so good I use this phone over my own camera. I enjoy the sync I get between my iPad and iPhone. The wallet feature is great for easy shopping.

My main problem and probably only problem is the battery life. I feel like my phone dies in about 6 hours of use. Now I know I am a heavy user, but I was really hoping for something a little better. Sometimes the fingerprint scanner does not work for me. When the phone needs an update and I miss it for a day or two, the phone will slow down. I dislike that when my phone gets a little older I will have to upgrade. I want a phone that I can keep for years if needed. The price on new and slightly new phones are really expensive. Finding where to delete the apps was a little bit of a struggle at first. Maybe the prices of some apps that android has for free is a bit of a bother.

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