
Is your iPhone too big?

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Is your iPhone too big?
Is your iPhone too big?
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Have you ever been using your phone with one hand and can't reach the top of your screen? Then you have to drop what you're doing with your other hand and use both hands to type or do whatever you were doing before? I have a little tip that will simply your life. It is very simple and you would be so angry at yourself that you didn't figure this out by yourself! 
All you need for this tip is: 
  • - any iOS device (preferably an iPhone7 or any newer addition)
  • - your hand
So what you're going to do is not press, but gently tap on your home button twice. If many pages pop up on your screen it means you pressed too hard. Once you've tapped gently, your screen will come all the way down and you can touch the top of your screen without having to move your hand all the way there. This is perfect if you're a busy woman multitasking and can only use one hand at that moment!

This tip is relevant to: Smartphone | iOS 11.4 iPhone 7 Plus | . If this tip is related to a smart device, then it could be applicable to other similar devices and mobile OS as well.

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