
Moto G4 review

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Service provider used with the phone: AT&T - Q&A | Reviews
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Screen Resolution: 1080 x 1920
CPU: Snapdragon 617
Storage: 16GB
Battery life: three hours

Phone or Device Usage
The Moto G4 can pretty much do anything a modern smartphone can:
- make phones calls (obviously)
- browse the internet
- watch HD videos
- download and use apps
- take pictures
- etc.

Its capabilities are pretty standard for a modern smartphone.

- incredibly cheap for a smartphone, prices can range from $50 to $170
- great camera
- user-friendly
- reliable for the first two years of useĀ 

- becomes extremely unreliable after two years of use. Apps start randomly opening and closing, keys become extremely unresponsive, and sometimes the phone will simply refuse to charge.

- low battery life coupled with overheating issues

- only 16 GB of memory

If you're looking for a cheap smartphone to reliably use for two years, then the Moto G4 is the winners choice. However, as soon as those two years end, it might be less rage inducing to simply purchase another model.

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