
Xiaomi Poco F1 review

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(2 reviews)
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Processor  : Snapdragon 845
Screen size : 6.18
Screen size :1920*1080
storage: 128GB
Battery  :4000mah

Phone or Device Usage
I am a very heavy phone user .i play a lot of games do most of my collage work on my phone as i dont have a laptop yet so the big battery and the faster processor helps a ton .it also has fast charging support which comes in very handy.

The phone is very fast as it has the snapdragon 845 chip  
Screen is very good even though it is an led panel i really like it .it has very good colour.
Very good for gaming as it has very little heating and 
The camera id amazing at this price point 

The build quality is a bit on the cheap side.
Its made of plastic.
it has a very big notch.
no stereo speakers

I would have liked the phone more if it had an amoled screen and stereo speakers
but i cant complain as the price of this device is only 18000 you really cant ask more at this price.

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LuLu Mall

User reviews


This is a great phone that performs very well. It is well worth the price and easy to use. I would recommend to anyone!!


A very good phone for people who are looking for the best bang for their buck love the speed amazing device cant recommend it enough .